中文版| English| 中国科学院    天气预报:
你现在的位置: 首页 / 科研系统 / 物质科学计算中心 / PBS 使用简介

     To keep the system running efficiently, please be sure to submit your job with PBS, which is a workload management system we used to take better control of our computing resources.

  The steps to submit a PBS job are as follows.

  1.  Creating a PBS job:

  Here is an example in a file called, e.g., “myJob”:


  #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00

  #PBS -l mem=500mb

  #PBS -l ncpus=8

  #PBS -j oe

  cd /disk1/myDir

  mpirun –np 8 myRun

  The example above requests 1 hour of wall-clock time, 500 megabytes of memory, and 8 CPUs. 

  2.  Submitting a PBS job:

  $ qsub –q myQueue myJob

  At present, three queues exist on our server: paraqueserique and  fuque

  Please specify your queue according to your affiliation.

  3. List PBS jobs:

    $ qstat -a  

  4. Delete My Job

    $ qdel QueueNo

  5. Release My holded jobs

    $ qrls QueueNo

  For the details about PBS, please visit our web site  Download page。

  PLEASE NOTE that any job submitted not by PBS or without queue name will be killed.

