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  • (11.6)Water Cooled Resistive Magnets at CHMFL
  • 文章来源: 发布时间:2015-12-01

      作为强磁场科学中心的首席专家,高秉钧研究员参加了10月份在韩国举行的第24届国际磁体技术会议,并在会议上做了题为“Water Cooled Resistive Magnets at CHMFL”的特邀报告。强磁场科学论坛有幸邀请到高秉钧老师给中心的老师和同学再做一次相关的学术报告。

      时间:11月6日(周五) 9:00


      题目:Water Cooled Resistive Magnets at CHMFL


      The Steady High Magnetic Field Facility (SHMFF) was founded by the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC) in 2008, and is undertaken by the High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL). The project includes the construction of a series of water cooled resistive magnets, superconducting magnets, and a hybrid magnet.

      Up-to-date, five water cooled resistive magnets have been successfully installed. In addition, the resistive magnet insert for the 45 T hybrid magnet has also been completed. Two new world records of water cooled resistive magnets have been achieved: 38.5T/ 32 mm and 35T/50 mm. Design, optimization, and assembly of the magnets as well as their characterization are described in detail in this presentation.